Dear Stranger, Can you hear me?

Dear Stranger,

I have so many things I would love to say to you but those words will never be spoken from my lips. For as long as I could remember I’ve always had the hardest time saying what I really wanted to say. Once I had some Alcohol in my system I had no filter I could shout it from the rooftops, dance out in the street and just scream my thoughts to whoever wanted to listen. It wasn’t because I was “drunk”. Alcohol gave me the ability to “not” care. In those moments nothing mattered, I knew exactly what I was doing. I was well aware of my surroundings and things happening around me but I didn’t care. I’m not going to lie I loved it at times, it could be one of the best feelings in the world. Not the alcohol, but the calming of the mind so I could not care for awhile.

This isn’t why I’m writing to you tonight though, sorry just bare with me a second I tend to get lost in my own thoughts. As much as I would love to tell what’s on my mind I can’t. I don’t feel comfortable with people anymore, I’ve shut the world off. All that’s left is this dark abyss and this sad little girl who has been trying to find her way out of the maze. It’s all an illusion though, I keep trying to tell her no one can save her. A cure isn’t coming and she is wasting her time trying to escape the prison.